Rob & Allison

Saturday, August 9, 2025
149 Days To Go!

Rob & Allison

Saturday, August 9, 2025
149 Days To Go!

Our Story

Our story began when a girl walked into a bar

July 08, 2015

Our story began when a girl walked into a bar
Our First Date!

July 11, 2015

Our First Date!
We immediately bonded over our love for adventure, starting with going away together after a month of knowing each other

August 08, 2015

We immediately bonded over our love for adventure, starting with going away together after a month of knowing each other
Unfortunately after an incredible summer, it had to end when Alli moved back to Connecticut for school and Rob stayed on Long Island to finish his degree.  Our nearly 3 year long distance relationship started!

We filled this time with trips, visits, Netflix dates and falling asleep together over the phone

August 26, 2015

Unfortunately after an incredible summer, it had to end when Alli moved back to Connecticut for school and Rob stayed on Long Island to finish his degree. Our nearly 3 year long distance relationship started! We filled this time with trips, visits, Netflix dates and falling asleep together over the phone
Rob graduates with his Master's and starts his first teaching job!

December 17, 2015

Rob graduates with his Master's and starts his first teaching job!
One of Rob's trips visiting Alli at college

October 30, 2016

One of Rob's trips visiting Alli at college
Weekend away for the Lake George Car Show

September 09, 2017

Weekend away for the Lake George Car Show
Alli graduates with her Master's and begins her first job as an occupational therapist

January 01, 2018

Alli graduates with her Master's and begins her first job as an occupational therapist
We were finally living in the same state!  This is a photo of us seeing a concert at Forest Hills

June 24, 2019

We were finally living in the same state! This is a photo of us seeing a concert at Forest Hills
2020 was a lot of things, but for us it was a major milestone! We bought our first house together!

April 20, 2020

2020 was a lot of things, but for us it was a major milestone! We bought our first house together!
We became a family of 3 when we adopted our little girl Riley!

May 17, 2021

We became a family of 3 when we adopted our little girl Riley!
More milestones achieved when Rob received his PhD!

May 19, 2021

More milestones achieved when Rob received his PhD!
Family hiking trips!

April 09, 2022

Family hiking trips!
Spending time with great friends

February 28, 2023

Spending time with great friends
Spending time together while Alli trains for her first Ironman 140.6

May 28, 2023

Spending time together while Alli trains for her first Ironman 140.6
Alli finishes her first Ironman 140.6 triathlon!

August 22, 2023

Alli finishes her first Ironman 140.6 triathlon!
Rob signs up for his first Half Ironman 70.3 and we start training together

March 06, 2024

Rob signs up for his first Half Ironman 70.3 and we start training together
We embark on our trip to hike Mt. Rainier in Washington State

August 10, 2024

We embark on our trip to hike Mt. Rainier in Washington State

August 13, 2024

But we don't stop there! Rob goes on to win second place in his first olympic triathlon

September 01, 2024

But we don't stop there! Rob goes on to win second place in his first olympic triathlon
Alli finishes her second Ironman 140.6 triathlon

September 25, 2024

Alli finishes her second Ironman 140.6 triathlon
Hard work pays off when Rob finishes his first Ironman 70.3!

September 28, 2024

Hard work pays off when Rob finishes his first Ironman 70.3!
We celebrate our engagement with all of you at our "Iron Couple" engagement party!

September 28, 2024

We celebrate our engagement with all of you at our "Iron Couple" engagement party!
We have come a long way since we were these crazy 21-year-olds.  We have all of you to thank for your love and support helping us evolved as individuals and grow together.  Now its time to celebrate!

August 09, 2015

We have come a long way since we were these crazy 21-year-olds. We have all of you to thank for your love and support helping us evolved as individuals and grow together. Now its time to celebrate!